
Little dog walker is a tour guide service for little dogs who need to release, sniff,  play and run free .

I’ve been actively walking here in San Francisco for over 5 years.  It’s a joy to be outdoors walking alongside happy, care-free dogs.

I’m originally from Southern California. I have always had a family dog growing up. I currently have a 12 year old Chihuahua who has been in my care for 10 years. He is usually on my walks.

When I first moved to SF  I walked dogs as a volunteer at the Animal Care and Control. Interested in dog walking I started going to the parks mid-day asking walkers how they got started. I  ended up meeting a walker who helped me get started.  I started with 3 dogs and before long I had a full pack. I have taken the required course which includes a dogs first aid class and I am a certified walker.

My main focus is to walk but we do take breaks.  Dogs have different needs and wants.  Some love to play ball and others want to take a sniff, sit, or play break.  The weather plays a big part as to where we go.  For example If its hot we go on shaded trails with a hopeful breeze.  If its windy we avoid the beach. Most of my dogs don’t like getting sand in their eyes. If it rains we try to stay away from muddy trails.

PS.  It dosent take long before I get attached to my four legged friends.